ESBCalc Pro is a handy scientific calculator for Windows Platform. It is a perfect utility for those who are looking for a light-weight, powerful and easy-to-use scientific calculator, which can perform basic as well as scientific calculations including advanced calculations like trigonometric, logarithmic and hyperbolic calculations. ESBCalc Pro is a feature-rich program which provides you with advanced scientific functions with expression editing, prefix functions and custom constants. With ESBCalc Pro ,you can enter values in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds and convert them to decimal. It also enables you to perform hexadecimal/decimal conversions and fractions/decimal conversions. One of the coolest features of ESBCalc Pro is that it allows you to save your calculations for future reference through its paper trail feature. You can also add comments including Date/Time Stamps in paper trails and can transfer values from the Paper Trail back to the calculator. ESBCalc Pro also maintains a result History list, which stores the last 10 entries. ESBCalc Pro is clean and simple in design and is very user friendly. Interestingly, this powerful scientific calculation utility is absolutely free to try.